Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So after two years of mixed results with the current car and build, I decided to take some time to rebuild it for an intensive 2012 trackday season.

Even if the engine itself is flawless, often taking its 8200 rpm rev limit and has now 8000 km on the clock (which is believe is almost 10 times more than other z22SE's with similar specs that all have failed...), the chosen standalone ECU did not work that well and some small issues were never solved due to bad error algorithms and lack of end user flexibility on those points.

Sometimes, you have to spend more from the beginning rather than loosing time with lower spec stuff... that's why I decided to find a used Motec ECU and quickly found a good deal on an almost new Motec M600.

Other plans are rebuilding the wiring loom from scratch using Autosport connectors when possible, adding more temperature and pressure sensors, controled by the Motec for better engine monitoring and protection, dealing with the way too long gearbox, and rebuilding the chassis to get the "as new" if not better feedback it deserves.

Main issue is that we bought a new house... with no garage, and due to various reasons we won't be able to build one big and cool enough to work in perfect conditions, so I'll have to figure out another solution...

More on all of this asap